
Cristy has always had a difficult time walking into any space that is crowded, like a store, because she has always felt compelled to say something… to many different people. It weighed heavy on her, until she learned to prepare herself.

Cristy feels instructed by her spirit guides to “inform” people of insights she is having.

Cristy’s was very close to her brother. She “knew things about him” that surprised him, because he didn’t tell her these things, and couldn’t figure out how she knew. There were times when she was a child, she thought she was going crazy. She told her mom, who offered gentle encouragement, and comfort.

Cristy has been sharing her insights, and helping people, by reading cards, and offering help when ever she felt comfortable to do so.

If you would like to schedule a private reading, contact the office.

You may also pay below (its an automatic $25 payment), contact the office, and Cristy will contact you on the phone for your personalized insight.

For Entertainment Purposes Only